Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tuesday, May 15 personal photojournalism project directions

IMPORTANT: This Thursday is the last day to bring in the picture of yourself that was taken at least five years ago. It should be a printed image. It may include other people. This is a homework grade (10%) category. You will receive either a 100 points or a zero. Thank you to those who have already brought theirs in.


Personal Photo Project DUE Thursday, MAY 24

DUE Thursday, MAY 24

You will be working primarily on your personal photo project outside of class, although there will be class time to write up the material and organize your images into a power point or prezi. 

Personal photo project details.

Part 1: select your theme and send along by midnight tonight (homework grade- 10%)

Part 2: written component of project: All due on Thursday May 24 (writing grade-50% category)  directions below in section 2

Part 3: sharing out your project: (class participation)  directions below in section 3

Personal Photo Project is due on Thursday, May 24

Of what will this consist?
    You may, of course, take as many pictures as you wish, but you will share only 10 images with the class.
Can I have more?
How will these be shared?
    You may have them on a Prezi or a Power Point or some other similar program.
So what are the parameters for taking these pictures?
      You must have an theme, that is a clearly defined point to unify your series of photos. This is not to be a haphazard collection or arrangement of images or a visual summary of a holiday or trip, but a thoughtfully planned out goal that unites an idea and demonstrates your proficiency in using various photo techniques to convey your ideas.
 Can it be from some place I already took pictures?
      No, these are new images that demonstrate you have an understanding of the rules of composition, as used to express your photo objective.

What type of pictures must these be exactly?
  You may organize these how you wish, but within the pictures you must demonstrate your understanding the following:
        medium-range shot

        establishing shot
        accurate use of phi grid or rule of thirds AND  Fibonacci spiral
        horizontal and vertical format
        understanding of the horizon line placement
        conscious use of lighting
        varied perspective (tilting up or down to convey meaning)
        conscious framing
        awareness of depth of field, symmetry, pattern, texture, lighting 
  PART 1 

  By midnight tonight, please send along your thematic choice. Once you have made a selection, you will start to see opportunities to capture the idea. As it is very important to have a focus, I am counting the receipt of your thematic selection as a homework grade. Anything not received by tonight is only worth 50 points. 

Below is a possibility list:

  • Beauty of simplicity
  • Capitalism – effect on the individual
  • Change of power – necessity
  • Change versus tradition
  • Chaos and order
  • Character – destruction, building up
  • Circle of life
  • Coming of age
  • Communication – verbal and nonverbal
  • Companionship as salvation
  • Convention and rebellion
  • Dangers of ignorance
  • Darkness and light
  • Death – inevitable or tragedy
  • Desire to escape
  • Destruction of beauty
  • Disillusionment and dreams
  • Displacement
  • Empowerment
  • Emptiness of attaining false dream
  • Everlasting love
  • Evils of racism
  • Facing darkness
  • Facing reality
  • Fading beauty
  • Faith versus doubt
  • Family – blessing or curse
  • Fate and free will
  • Fear of failure
  • Female roles
  • Fulfillment
  • Good versus bad
  • Greed as downfall
  • Growing up – pain or pleasure
  • Hazards of passing judgment
  • Heartbreak of betrayal
  • Heroism – real and perceived
  • Hierarchy in nature
  • Identity crisis
  • Illusion of power
  • Immortality
  • Individual versus society
  • Inner versus outer strength
  • Injustice
  • Isolation
  • Isolationism – hazards
  • Knowledge versus ignorance
  • Loneliness as destructive force
  • Losing hope
  • Loss of innocence
  • Lost honor
  • Lost love
  • Love and sacrifice
  • Man against nature
  • Manipulation
  • Materialism as downfall
  • Motherhood
  • Names – power and significance
  • Nationalism – complications
  • Nature as beauty
  • Necessity of work
  • Oppression of women
  • Optimism – power or folly
  • Overcoming – fear, weakness, vice
  • Patriotism – positive side or complications
  • Power and corruption
  • Power of silence
  • Power of tradition
  • Power of wealth
  • Power of words
  • Pride and downfall
  • Progress – real or illusion
  • Quest for discovery
  • Quest for power
  • Rebirth
  • Reunion
  • Role of men
  • Role of Religion – virtue or hypocrisy
  • Role of women
  • Self – inner and outer
  • Self-awareness
  • Self-preservation
  • Self-reliance
  • Social mobility
  • Technology in society – good or bad
  • Temporary nature of physical beauty
  • Temptation and destruction
  • Totalitarianism
  • Vanity as downfall
  • Vulnerability of the meek
  • Vulnerability of the strong
  • War – glory, necessity, pain, tragedy
  • Will to survive
  • Wisdom of experience
  • Working class struggles
  • Youth and beauty


Please use the following and send along.

If you need a hard copy for your personal presentation, print one out for yourself.

Photojournalism Project written component                    Name____________________________________________
Photo project objective statement: What was your theme?  Describe your process of taking the photos, including any pleasures, frustrations and obstacles you encountered.  Reference specifically some of your images. (250 words)

           For each of your images, complete the following                                                                                                                 

setting/ time
brief description of image
type of shot/ technical

be specific as to what camera technique you have employed and why?









    PART 3                                            I

Presentation of your work

You will have already sent in the written component of

 your project.

In the manner similar to how you presented your

 photojournalist, you will create a power point or prezi of

 your work.

There will be a total of 11 slides

Slide 1- your photo with full name This may be formal or

 informal and written out and the title of your project.

Slides 2-11: your picture and a cut line for each one. 

 There is to be nothing else on the slide. You will explain your images, as you have written them on the graphic organizer you have already sent me. If you need a copy of your organizer, print one for yourself.


  1. I will be doing Youth and Beauty in Rochester

  2. Piper is doing Facing Darkness

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am doing coming of age

  6. youth and beauty

  7. disillusionment & dreams

  8. I chose the topic: Patriotism – positive side or complications...because I freaking love America!!!

  9. Darkness and light
    -Jordan Majors

  10. pride and downfall

  11. Youth and beauty

  12. I choose you "Names – power and significance" (Pokemon Reference)

  13. I switched to role of women

  14. This is Darla and I actually am doing temporary nature of physical beauty

  15. I am changing my theme to Darkness and light


Tuesday, May 22 and Wednesday, May 23- organizing your projects

Below you will find a recap of the project instructions. Personal Photo Project DUE Thursday, MAY 24 DUE Thursday, MAY 24 ...