Friday, March 23, 2018

Friday, March 23 Selecting your editorial topic / beginning your research

Image result for persuasive

FIRST take out your earbuds and listen / watch this short video.
Joshua Bell and how to persuade

Look over the topic list below and submit your "topic choice" to me and post on the blog. Thanks.

            You will need 8 correctly cited sources on for works cited page. Use this class time to begin your research.  The details for your editorial will be posted by tomorrow.

    Technology and Social Media


  1. Are the Web Filters at Your School Too Restrictive?
  2. Does Technology Make Us More Alone?
  3. Do Apps Help  or Just Waste Your Time?
  4. Should What You Say on Facebook Be Grounds for Getting Fired?
  5. Should People Be Allowed to Obscure Their Identities Online?
  6. What Should the Punishment Be for Acts of Cyberbullying?
  7. Is Online Learning as Good as Face-to-Face Learning?
  8. How Young Is Too Young for an iPhone?
  9. Should Companies Collect Information About You?
  10. What Role Will Robots Play in Our Future?
  11. Arts and Media: TV, Music, Video Games and Literature

  12. Why Do We Like to Watch Rich People on TV and in the Movies?
  13. Do TV Shows Like ‘16 and Pregnant’ Promote or Discourage Teenage Pregnancy?
  14. Does TV Capture the Diversity of America Yet?
  15. Does Reality TV Promote Dangerous Stereotypes?
  16. What Current Musicians Do You Think Will Stand the Test of Time?
  17. What Musician, Actor or Author Should Be a Superstar, but Hasn’t Quite Made It Yet?
  18. Will Musical Training Make You More Successful?
  19. Should Video Games Be Considered a Sport?
  20. Do Violent Video Games Make People More Violent in Real Life?
  21. Can Graffiti Ever Be Considered Art?
  22. Do We Need Art in Our Lives?
  23. Does Pop Culture Deserve Serious Study?

  24. Gender Issues


  25. Do Parents Have Different Hopes and Standards for Their Sons Than for Their Daughters?
  26. Is School Designed More for Girls Than Boys?
  27. Is There Too Much Pressure on Girls to Have ‘Perfect’ Bodies?
  28. How Much Pressure Do Boys Face to Have the Perfect Body?
  29. Do Photoshopped Images Make You Feel Bad About Your Own Looks?
  30. What Should We Do to Fight Sexual Violence Against Young Women?
  31. Do Fraternities Promote Misogyny?
  32. Why Aren’t More Girls Choosing to Pursue Careers in Math and Science?
  33. Should Women Be Allowed to Fight on the Front Lines Alongside Men?
  34. Sports and Athletics

    PhotoNew York Times
  35. Sould Parents Let Their Children Play Football?
  36. Should College Football Players Get Paid?
  37. Is It Offensive for Sports Teams to Use Native American Names and Mascots?
  38. How Big a Deal Is It That an N.B.A. Player Came Out as Gay?
  39. Should Athletes Who Dope Have to Forfeit Their Titles and Medals?
  40. Should Home-Schoolers Be Allowed to Play Public School Sports?

  41. Politics and the Legal System


  42. What Local Problems Do You Think Your Mayor Should Try to Solve?
  43. When Is the Use of Military Force Justified?
  44. What Is More Important: Our Privacy or National Security?
  45. Should the U.S. Be Spying on Its Friends
  46. Do Laws That Ban Offensive Words Make the World a Better Place?
  47. Would You Feel Safer With Armed Guards Patrolling Your School?
  48. Do You Support or Oppose the Death Penalty?
  49. When Should Juvenile Offenders Receive Life Sentences?

  50. Parenting and Childhood


  51. Do We Give Children Too Many Trophies?
  52. When Do You Become an Adult?
  53. Should Birth Control Pills Be Available to Teenage Girls Without a Prescription?
  54. How, and by Whom, Should Children Be Taught Appropriate Behavior?
  55. Is Dating a Thing of the Past?
  56. Health and Nutrition


  57. Is Smoking Still a Problem Among Teenagers?
  58. Is Drinking and Driving Still a Problem for Teenagers?
  59. Do You Think a Healthier School Lunch Program Is a Lost Cause?
  60. How Concerned Are You About Where Your Food Comes From?
  61. Is It Ethical to Eat Meat?
  62. Should the Government Limit the Size of Sugary Drinks?
  63. Should Students Be Required to Take Drug Tests?

  64. Personal Character and Morality Questions


  65. Do Bystanders Have a Responsibility to Intervene When There is Trouble?
  66. Should You Care About the Health and Safety of Those Making Your Clothing?
  67. Can Money Buy You Happiness?
  68. Does Buying and Accumulating More and More Stuff Make Us Happier?
  69. Are We Losing the Art of Listening?
  70. Which Is More Important: Talent or Hard Work?
  71. When Should You Compromise?
  72. Is Your Generation More Self-Centered Than Earlier Generations?
  73. Can You Be Good Without God?
  74. Have Curse Words Become So Common They Have Lost Their Shock Value?
  75. How Important Do You Think It Is to Marry Someone With the Same Religion?
  76. How Important Is Keeping a Clean House?

  77. Science
  78. Should Scientists Try to Help People Beat Old Age So We Can Live Longer Lives?
  79. When Is It O.K. to Replace Human Limbs With Technology?
  80. How Concerned Are You About Climate Change?

  81. Other Questions


  82. Should the Private Lives of Famous People Be Off Limits?
  83. How Much Does Your Neighborhood Define Who You Are?
  84. How sexist is the gaming world?
  85. Do we need art in our lives?
  86. Should a society promote art and artists pursuing creativity?
  87. How should parents discipline children?
  88. Is prom worth it?
  89. Should schools teach children how to cook?
  90. Is cheating getting worse?
  91. Should we rethink how long students spend in high school?
  92. How necessary is a college education?
  93. Should engineers pay less for college than English majors?


  1. Does Pop Culture Deserve Serious Study?

  2. Is cheating getting worse?

  3. Im doing 11. Why do we like to watch rich people on tv and in the movies.

  4. What Role Will Robots Play in Our Future?

  5. Do We Give Children Too Many Trophies?

  6. #49 when do you become an adult?

  7. Do You Support or Oppose the Death Penalty?

  8. Should College Football Players Get Paid?

  9. Can Graffiti Ever Be Considered Art?

  10. Do TV Shows Like ‘16 and Pregnant’ Promote or Discourage Teenage Pregnancy?

  11. Is Drinking and Driving Still a Problem for Teenagers?

  12. When Should Juvenile Offenders Receive Life Sentences?

  13. What Is More Important: Our Privacy or National Security?

  14. 25. Is there too much pressure on girls to be perfect?

  15. Should Athletes Who Dope Have to Forfeit Their Titles and Medals?

  16. Can Money Buy You Happiness?

  17. 77. Do We Need Art in Our Lives?

  18. Is There Too Much Pressure on Girls to Have ‘Perfect’ Bodies?

  19. tv shows like ‘16 and pregnant’ promote or discourage teenage pregnancy?

  20. Does Technology Make Us More Alone?

  21. Why Aren’t More Girls Choosing to Pursue Careers in Math and Science?

  22. Which Is More Important: Talent or Hard Work?

  23. Can You Be Good Without God?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Should Scientists Try to Help People Beat Old Age So We Can Live Longer Lives?

  26. Can Graffiti Ever Be Considered Art?

  27. What Should We Do to Fight Sexual Violence Against Young Women?

  28. Is Your Generation More Self-Centered Than Earlier Generations?

  29. Can Money Buy You Happiness?


Tuesday, May 22 and Wednesday, May 23- organizing your projects

Below you will find a recap of the project instructions. Personal Photo Project DUE Thursday, MAY 24 DUE Thursday, MAY 24 ...