Sunday, November 26, 2017

Monday, November 27 writing your own news stories

Image result for news story
Learning targets: I can introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences the claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.

I can develop the topic thoroughly by selecting the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience's knowledge of the topic.

I can conduct short  research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.

Assignment: Your own news stories. Due by midnight midnight , Monday, December 4.  Any not posted by midnight will receive 50 points only.  General directions: 250-300 word maximum

In class today: For today, I am asking you to make your selection and post on the blog. This goes in as a class participation grade. Use the format I wrote below.  There may be some overlapping, but let's talk about angles, so no one will have the same story.


Topic choices below:  If you have 

another idea, post and, if there is a problem, I'll get back to 

you by tomorrow.   Post to the blog with

 your name and respond with the following:

______________ intends to write a news story on

 ___________________________. This topic is newsworthy 

because__________________________. To gather the 

information I will 1)____________________, 2) 

_________________ and 3)______________ (include 

details and specifics as to your planning). I intend to speak 

at least two people, recording specifically what they said. 

Please see the list below for suggestions. You, of course, may augment and adjust the topics, and, as well, you may have your own ideas.  Please create a work document before you post, in case you have difficulties.

   After the suggestion list, there is a rubric, a general checklist for you and a couple of effective story examples.            

                See samples at the end of the blog.

Suggestions; this is in no way exhaustive.  Be creative.

parking woes

college application pressures

traffic tickets
body art
sports / teams at SOTA- this can be broken down into subtopics
volunteerism at SOTA- this can be broken down into subtopic
school security: morning scanning / during the day
riding the bus
lunch excursions
bumper stickers
measuring up to an older sibling
passing time in the hall
personalizing a locker
part time jobs
tardy / absenteeism
hair styles: male / female
behind the scene: theatre / teching, etc
life as a middle schooler
senior economics
vending machines
fashion: male / female---choose an item
the reality of senior year (economic / social / frustrations / fears)
reading for "real life" 
cultural appropriation
culture and community
school as a safe environment
pros and cons of having a  middle school
politics at the dinner table

Check list:

Are the most important and recent facts first? 

Is the story accurate? Are the sources identified fully? 

Are the paragraphs short? 

Is the sentence structure varied in the story?

 Is the story neat and double-spaced so that it is easy to read?

Does your story flow? Did you use the transition/ quote formula?

 Did you use active voice?


At least one attributed quote?

headline? (we'll review this on Monday)

by line? (that's your name)

correct punctuation / grammar?


 Rubric for evaluating inverted pyramid stories

Ace reporter 

This story — so professional one would think it were cut from a professional news publication — convincingly demonstrates mastery of the inverted pyramid form by doing the following:

 with precision, arranges the key facts of the story from most important to least important

 relegates background information — information the writer could have known before the event — to a place below all new information

 is devoid of unattributed opinion

 artfully illustrates points with interesting, well-punctuated and well-attributed quotations; a transition is used to introduce each quotation.

 is a model of brevity, using few words to maximum effect.

 avoids passive voice except in the rare cases when it is merited

  shows few, if any, errors in the conventions of written English

This solid inverted pyramid story, while not as impressive as that written by the Ace Reporter, consistently does most or all of the following:

 arranges the key facts of the story from most important to least important

 generally relegates background information — information the writer could have known before the event — to a place below all new information

 is devoid of unattributed opinion

 illustrates points with interesting, well-punctuated and well-attributed quotations; a transition is used to introduce each quotation

 is for the most part concise

 generally avoids passive voice except in the rare cases when it is merited

  shows few, if any, errors in the conventions of written English.

This story suggests general awareness of the requirements for an inverted pyramid story, but does not suggest great prowess in meeting those requirements. This lead does much or all of the following:  

 unconvincingly arranges the facts of the story from most important to least important

 in some cases, fails to keep background information in its place at the bottom of the story

 may include minor unattributed opinion

 sometimes illustrates points with quotations but may do so awkwardly and without adequate transitions or

 shows too little attention to the need for brevity

 may slip into passive voice

  shows some errors in the conventions of written English.

These story doesn’t meaningfully address the assignment. This lead does much or all of the following:

 either does not have all the basic facts or shows clear errors in organizing them from most to least important

 fails to keep background information in its place at the bottom of the story

 is bereft of meaningful, supportive quotations; may fail to introduce quotations at all

 includes significant unattributed opinion

 noticeable over-use of the passive voice

 is wordy

  shows multiple errors in the conventions of written English.

(Note: The fact that a person is speaking to students is not in and of itself newsworthy; stories should focus on what a person says, not the fact that he/she has spoken.)

News story samples:

Birds migrating earlier as temperatures rise


Birds have reached their summer breeding grounds on average about one day earlier per degree of increasing global temperatures, according to the research by Edinburgh University.
The study looked at hundreds of species across five continents.
It is hoped it will help scientists predict how different species may respond to future environmental change.
Reaching their summer breeding grounds at the wrong time - even by a few days - may cause birds to miss out on maximum availability of vital resources such as food and nesting places.
Late arrival to breeding grounds may, in turn, affect the timing of offspring hatching and their chances of survival.
Long-distance migrants, which are shown to be less responsive to rising temperatures, may suffer most as other birds gain advantage by arriving at breeding grounds ahead of them.

Flowering and breeding

Takuji Usui, of Edinburgh University's school of biological sciences, said: "Many plant and animal species are altering the timing of activities associated with the start of spring, such as flowering and breeding.
"Now we have detailed insights into how the timing of migration is changing and how this change varies across species.
"These insights may help us predict how well migratory birds keep up with changing conditions on their breeding grounds."
The study examined how various species, which take flight in response to cues such as changing seasonal temperatures and food availability, have altered their behaviour over time and with increasing temperatures.
The researchers examined records of migrating bird species dating back almost 300 years.
The study drew upon records from amateur enthusiasts and scientists, including notes from 19th-century American naturalist Henry David Thoreau.
Species that migrate huge distances - such as the swallow and pied flycatcher - and those with shorter migrations - such as the lapwing and pied wagtail - were included in the research.
The study, published in Journal of Animal Ecology, was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council.

First a polar bear petted a dog. Then a polar bear did what polar bears do: Ate a dog.

A video of an enormous polar bear in Canada gingerly patting a chained sled dog hit the Internet last week and quickly went viral. The Huffington Post lauded its “cuteness factor.” The man who shot the video praised the bear for showing “that kind of heart toward another animal.”
But reality soon intervened. Canada’s CBC News reported that officials had removed three polar bears from the same property in Churchill after one killed and ate another dog. The owner of the site, who raises the sled dogs, told the network that the slaughter had occurred on “the only day we didn’t feed the f—— bears, the only night we didn’t put anything out.”
The irony of the two incidents spawned commentary on the perils of the attributing human emotions to animals and imposing a moral code the creatures can’t possibly be expected to live up to. They also renewed anger at the owner of the site, Brian Ladoon, who has long been a target of animal rights activists and conservationists who decry his chaining of dogs and luring of polar bears for tourist photo-ops.
Tom Smith views it all from somewhere in between. Smith is a wildlife biologist and advisory scientist with Polar Bears International, and he has spent his career studying bears of all sorts — polar, grizzly and black. He chuckled when he viewed the “petting” video this week, which he didn’t exactly see as petting.
Bears have a sky-high “curiosity quotient” and tend to ask questions with their teeth and paws, which is why they sometimes tear up human campsites, he said. But he added that this is also a time of year when polar bears, which depend on sea ice for hunting seals, have essentially been starving for months.
“To me, it’s like it’s trying to see if the food’s ready or not,” Smith said, laughing. “It’s not surprising that it would try to explore this dog . . . but I guarantee if you left that bear there long enough, it would say, ‘I wonder what this dog tastes like?’ I’d be sorely disappointed in a bear that didn’t ultimately eat that dog.”


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  2. Shayla Brown intends to write a news story on sports / teams at SOTA- this can be broken down into subtopics. This topic is newsworthy because it relates to all students in sota and is what's happening around us. To gather the information I will 1)_talk to the sota cheer coach and get there opinion on how they think sota has treated them 2) talk to a member of the team and see how they feel being on that team and 3) interview the schools sports director (include details and specifics as to your planning). I intend to speak at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  3. Tay’Von Jackson intends to write a news story on Behind the scene: theatre. This topic is newsworthy because it gives people insight on what really goes into putting on a big production. To gather the information I will 1) talk about the hard work and dedication that it takes, 2) the hardships that you will face but soon overcome and 3) the good memories and friends you make while doing so.

  4. Eileen Traver intends to write a news story on politics at the dinner table. This topic is newsworthy because it is controversial topic and there is the argument whether politics is an appropriate dinner topic. To gather the information I will 1) use the internet to gather information about politics being discussed at the table, 2) split the story into for/ and against political discussion at the table,and 3) get both sides of the argument on whether or not it is appropriate. (include details and specifics as to your planning). I intend to speak at least two people, one person who is for political discussion at the table and another person who is against it, recording specifically what they said.

  5. Kyra Majewski intends to write a news story on the reality of senior year. This topic is newsworthy because it is prominent in the lives of many and its proximity to the students at SOTA. To gather the information I will 1) interview seniors in School of the Arts during free periods, 2) research facts regarding financial stress and college on the internet, and 3) speak to older people to see how the amount of stress placed on seniors has changed (include details and specifics as to your planning). I intend to speak to at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Gustin Cook intends to write a news story on Pit bulls. This topic is newsworthy because pit bulls are seen as bad dogs but really make great pets. To gather the Information I will research and interview. I intend to speak to at least two people to speak about the breed

  8. Kevin Rosario intends to write a news story on the frustrations and reality of senior year. This topic is newsworthy because it is something that is affecting everyone taking this class. To gather the information I will research studies, interview a few seniors and speak on my own experiences

  9. Melody Caraballo intends to write a news story on the reality of senior year. This topic is newsworthy because students will relate to the struggles of being a senior in highschool. To gather the information I will 1) do some research on what seniors go through, 2) what they have to do before graduating and 3) i will be asking students how they feel (include details and specifics as to your planning). I intend to speak at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  10. Nye'Asia Simmons intends to write a news story on cliques. This topic is newsworthy because cliques are viewed in a way that keep society moving and progressing on an mental and emotional level, but why? If you weren't apart of a clique and alone what does that say about you and is it possible to avoid cliques? do we have them at SOTA if so what kinds and what does it say about our students? I intend to take a journey around our school and speak to at least two people, one student and one teacher/ administrator student to see where our students fit into our cliques here at school.

  11. Barlin Osman intends to write a news story on measuring up to your sibling. This topic is newsworthy because many people are affected by this, whether it makes them feel demeaned and worthless, or they end up becoming more successful than planned. To gather the information, I will speak with students with students who have a sibling, siblings, and even only children, also by researching information.

  12. Ingrid Diaz intends to write a story on the pros and cons of electronics. This is newsworthy because electronics form part of our daily lives. Even though they are essential in our lives, they can also become a burden. To gather information I will interview administrators, students and other people with professional jobs. I'll also research the pros and cons of electronics. In my research, I will get into the cost and maintenance of electronics. People don't only buy phones, but they buy everything else that the phone "needs"

  13. Allayzia Cruz intends to write a news story on school vending machines. This topic is newsworthy because of its proximity and the high interest in the matter. To gather the
    information I will research school vending machine laws, interview students/school faculty and observe the vending machines here at SOTA. I intend to speak at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  14. JaVanse’ Ryland-Buntley intends to write a news story on body image. This topic is newsworthy because it has an effect on many people in society on what they should look like. To gather the information I will 1)review magazines, 2)find people’s opinions from the internet and 3)personal experience (include details and specifics as to your planning). I intend to speak to at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Claudia Nizzica intends to write a news story on the pros and cons of vaccines for kids. This topic is newsworthy because vaccines for kids are really discussed now because a lot people think that vaccines are harmful. To gather the information I will search for pros and cons and I will interview students and teachers. I will also search for what the law says in other states but I will always maintain the focus on New York state.

  17. Anessa Gonzalez intends to write a story on standing outside in the mornings before we are let in the school. this is newsworthy because there are people that this can really gather the information i will interview administrators and students and maybe the principal.


  18. Giorgia Moretti intends to write a news story on
    cultural apropriation. This topic is newsworthy
    because it's a big and important debate with argument that i would like to analyze. To gather the information I will 1)research, 2)interviews and 3)analyzing . I intend to speak at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  19. Tahtiannah Odum intends to write a story on the reality of senior year. This is newsworthy because it would display a mount of information for students that are facing senior year , as well as upcoming seniors. It would present the reality verses expectations. To gather information I will do some research , interview a few students , and add my own experiences. Which would be describing what I've faced being a senior myself in all aspects.

  20. Azana Reed intends to write a news story on
    cultural appropriation in SOTA. This topic is newsworthy
    because it is a serious topic that needs to be discussed in school. To gather the
    information I will 1) research the topic on the Internet, 2)
    discuss the topic with my peers and 3)a class survey on the topic. I intend to speak
    at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  21. Zanayia intends to write a news story on cultural appropriation.This topic is newsworthy because , it's interesting to see how people are affected when people of other cultures adopt elements of their culture. To gather information I will read many different articles on the topic ,see how certain articles about cultural appropriation compare , and ask others in my community how they feel about it.I intend to speak to at least two people , recording specifically what they said.

  22. Remy intends to write a news story on

    The reality of senior year. This topic is newsworthy

    because senior year is very stressful for a lot of students and teachers, and how well you do impacts how well the rest of your life is. To gather the

    information I will 1)Ask other seniors how their year is, 2)

    reflect upon my own senior year and 3) research online about this topic.

  23. Daniel Garwood intends to write a news story on
    the reality of senior year (economic / social / frustrations / fears). This topic is newsworthy
    because being a senior can be very stressful for seniors trying to graduate and they have a lot of things to do within the year. To gather the information I will 1) gather information by researching , 2) interview people to get information and 3) tell my experiences (include
    details and specifics as to your planning). I intend to speak
    at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  24. Gianni Barbero intends to write a news story on In game gambling / micro transactions. This topic is newsworthy Because it is an unfair strategy to scam and create potential addicts. To gather the information I will
    1) research actions that other countries have taken against in game gambling
    2) Talk to people who are affected by these transactions
    3) research effects that microtransactions have on people that play these video games

  25. Melina E. Santiago intends to write a news story on

    P.O.C. versus racial discrimination and opression. This topic is newsworthy

    because many people try to defend discrimination and silence people of color by telling them "words are just words". To gather the

    information I will 1) use personal experiences, 2)

    research online and 3)conduct interviews. I intend to speak to

    at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  26. Helena Fick intends to write a news story on Growing Up in Poverty. This topic is newsworthy because it's relatable to a lot of people, can educate people on struggles and it’s important. To gather the information I will 1) look up statistics online 2) Add my own personal stories as well as others. and 3)interview several people.

  27. Michael Sepulveda intends to write a news story on
    part time jobs This topic is newsworthy because a large part the new up and coming work force are teenagers that are still learning what working professionalism is.
    To gather the information I will 1) Research the type of jobs and how many hours they spend a week
    2) Research where they invest or save their money and 3) Interview a few students. I will try to write a cohesive News story that will make sense instead of me just rambling . I intend to speak at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  28. Danisha Rodriguez intends to write a news story on life as a middle schooler. This topic is newsworthy because there are many personal and social changes that they go through as they begin their journey into high school. To gather information, I will 1) interview my brother and see what his experiences have been as a middle schooler here at SOTA, 2) use my own personal experiences during my time in middle school, and 3) interview other middle schoolers, 7th and 8th graders alike. I intend to record what two people specifically said to utilize in my news story.

  29. darla boczek intends to write a news story about the substitutes for technology. this story is newsworthy, because many people are constantly on some sort of device, and while they are helpful and enjoyable, people are losing touch of the real world, of communication and more. To gather information i will 1)read articles of +/- effects, and research activities, 2) will limit my use of technology (except for schoolwork and such) for one day, and then go overload for a different day 3) interview people on what they would end up doing if their electronics were taken away. 4)see how the influence of others affects tech use.

  30. Michael Zona intends to write a news story on the improbable win streak for Boston Celtics. This topic is newsworthy because it occurred recently, players are famous athletes, and many people enjoy sports. To gather the information, I will 1) read on the players involved, 2) analyze data from the winning streak and 3) (include details and specifics as to your planning). I intend to speak. at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  31. Nadia Nadal intends to write a news story on Bullying. This topic is newsworthy
    Because It gives people inside to what people go through on daily bases also the conflict and human interest and impact is has on one's life and behavior.
    To gather the information I will 1) Be researching people's lives that were victims of bullying in the past 2) I will be gathering general information about what constitutes bullying. and 3) And how does social media take a role on bullying (include details and specifics as to your planning). I intend to speak at least two people, Kevin Rosario & Barlin Osman & recording specifically what they said.

  32. Quamae Newsome intends to write a news story on Net Neutrality and the FCC repeal. This topic is newsworthy because it addresses the current situation of our internet, and what ISP's can do when providing it. To gather the information I will 1) research Net Neutrality. 2) gather people’s opinions about the topic and whether they support it. 3) discuss the potential problems, and or consequences of repealing the “internet laws”.

  33. Carina Giannini intends to write a news story on

    scanning after lunch. This topic is newsworthy

    because many are angry because of it. To gather the

    information I will 1) talk to students from SOTA, 2)

    talk to students from other schools and 3) talk to teachers/administrators (include

    details and specifics as to your planning). I intend to speak

    at least three people, recording specifically what they said.

  34. Deja intends to write a news story on

    measuring up to an older sibling. This topic is newsworthy

    Because most people have older siblings. To gather the

    information I will interview people who have older siblings and ask about the pressures that come along with it. I intend to speak with

    at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  35. Piper Van kerkhove intends to write a news story on societal pressures. This is news worthy because it affects everyone and changes the way people act. To gather information I will watch viseos about it, read other articles and ask my peers.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Sophia Hammond intends to write a news story on
    triggers. This topic is newsworthy

    because it affects a wide range of different people. To gather the

    information I will 1) talk to people with triggers, 2) research triggers

    and 3)talk to a psychiatrist.I intend to speak

    at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  38. Mia Ricotta intends to write a news story about the reality and frustrations of being a senior. This story is news worthy because it affects many people and it will help inform future seniors. I intend to interview at least 2 seniors.

  39. Victoria intends to write a news story on people’s reaction to certain bumper stickers. This topic is newsworthy because bumper stickers are all around the city. To gather the information I will have people answer a survey that includes various bumper stickers about how they feel about them. I will also do some research on the internet, and there will be a free response and the end of the survey as well.

  40. Katelyn Jimenez intends to write a news story on

    LGBT+. This topic is newsworthy

    Because experiences people have are important as it is the easiest way to help others to understand and be educated rather than to dominate and act inhuman.

    To gather the information I will
    1) interview multiple students to get different mindsets,
    2) talk with the GSA (Gay Straigt Alliance) and 3) Speak about the difference between SOTA and somewhere else (ie; how people react, how people speak towards them, etc.) (include details and specifics as to your planning).

    I intend to speak with at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  41. Carlos Rolon intends to write a story on Cliques. the topic is newsworthy because everywhere you go in life there will be little cliques or groups of people. To gather information i will go around asking people, looking at my own life and researching information.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Diamond Williams intends to write a news story on

    School lunches. This topic is newsworthy

    Because it’s something that a lot of kids will have an opinion on and if changed would affect their everyday lives.. To gather the

    information I will 1) Interview people to get their opinions on the subject., 2)

    I will look up the regulations on the school lunch. and 3) I alos will look at the history of school lunches and compare the differences.. (include

    details and specifics as to your planning). I intend to speak

    at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  44. Tyjohnna brown

    Tyjohnna brown intends to write a news story on

    bullying. This topic is newsworthy

    Because it's something that has been going on for years. To gather the

    information I will 1)_research bullying, 2)watch videos about bullying and also 3)present a presentation about how bullying has affected people throughout a course of time.

    details and specifics as to your planning). I intend to speak

    at least two people, recording specifically what they said.


  45. Jordan Majors intends to write a news story on

    High school cliques. This topic is newsworthy

    because of how relevant is in school today with my peers. To gather the

    information I will interview certain groups of friends in school, ask on a survey how many

    friends people have or communicate with daily and understand the importance of friendship.

    I intend to speak

    at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  46. Sara Burrows intends to write an article about cultural appropriation. This topic is newsworthy because it sparks a unique conversation around Halloween the most with those "dressing up" as an ethnicity. And others finding it to be okay. To gather information i will Interview students of their opinions and what costumes they seen, create a survey, and create a presentation on how to avoid cultural appropriations during Halloween.

    1. Nashaly Ramos intends to write a news story on bullying. This topic is newsworthy because it gives information on a major problem in schools and the safety of the students . To gather the
      information I will 1) research on the web, 2) Interview people and 3) results and causes of bullying (include details and specifics as to your planning). I intend to speak at least two people, recording specifically what they said.

  47. Kiera Cunningham

    Africans accuses Black Americans of cultural appropriation

    Africans and African Americans share a similar cultural background. But are African Americans appropriating African culture? There is a lot of controversy with this topic and there are many different opinions about this issue. Some people believe there is a lot of cultural appropriation of african culture and some people believe african americans are not appropriating african culture.

    Many School of the Arts students were brought to this topic, they did not understand cultural appropriation. “ What is cultural appropriation? What do you mean by that?” A School of The Arts student said. It was hard for people understand the topic and to make a decision because they did not understand cultural appropriation. For the people that understood the topic fairly well, Most of the students answered that african americans are not appropriating african culture. School of the Arts is known for cultural diversity and it was expected for the students to disagree with black people appropriating african a culture although there were a wide range of responses.

    “ I feel like we do not have the right to tell them what to be offended by.” said Melina. Another School of the arts student said, “ This argument is way too broad, it's too general. In some ways there is cultural appropriation and in some ways there’s not.” Some students would refuse to answer the question because they felt uncomfortable and didn't want to choose the “wrong answer”. With that, surveys were left unanswered.
    Although African and African Americans may have a lot of similar cultural aspects, There is a wide range of opinions on whether african americans have culturally appropriated african culture.

  48. Read This Story before judging another Pitbull

    November 22nd 2017, 11 year old Javien Casteliano was brutally mauled to death by two pit bulls. January 17 2017 Logan Bratz is brutally mauled by up to three pit bulls as he is walking to his bus stop to get to school. Stories like these have been making mainstream headlines a; year. And there are two similarities to these. They both involve pit bulls. Not only are pit bulls involved, their involvements in these attacks are heavily exaggerated. But why is that? Why are pit bulls perceived as monstrous dogs? Are pit bulls a good pet to have?
    Let’s start with the basics. The “Pit bull” isn’t a dog breed at all. This is a slang given to the animals by people who do not know the creatures well. In this article I “Pit bull” will be referring to the American Pitbull Terrier. The actual name of the breed is the American Pitbull Terrier. Malcolm Gladwell who wrote the essay Troublemakers sums up the stereotype “Pitbull” beautifully stating” Pit-bull bans involve a category problem, too, because pit bulls, as it happens, aren’t a single breed. The name refers to dogs belonging to a number of related breeds, such as the American Staffordshire terrier, the Staffordshire bull terrier, and the American pit bull terrier—all of which share a square and muscular body, a short snout, and a sleek, short-haired coat. Means big, nasty, scary dog that bites.” So what does that mean? It means you are looking at three different types of dog breeds. Most of the dogs involved in attacks are mixed with other breeds of dogs. That means that the American Pitbull Terrier is not the only culprit to blame for dog bites. In the case of Logan Bratz none of the dogs involved were an American Pitbull Terrier. One was a pit-bull mix and one was a border collie, not a Pitbull at all. That is what most people believe. So we have the media helping discourage an entire dog breed for the actions of about 10 different breeds. To put it into perspective say you have 10 countries that are similar in appearance. One countries’ people are notorious for being drunk. The countries name is the Billians. But since all 10 of the countries people look similar they are branded as being drunks. The same thing happens to the pit-bull

  49. We also have to look at the myths that are associated with the breed. First and foremost THERE ISNT AN ANIMAL ON THIS PLANET THAT CAN LOCK THERE JAW. The term “Lock Jaw” is a myth. There is nothing in their genetic makeup or physical makeup that allows pit bulls to lock their jaws. Pit bulls like any other dog have tremendous bite force which would give the illusion of a locked jaw. If you look at the personality traits of the pit-bull determination is one of them. That means that once a pit-bull has its mind set on something it’s going to finish the job to its fullest extent. So when a dog bites something it won’t let go until the job is done. Another myth is that pit bulls are inherently aggressive. Any living thing no matter what species inherits emotion. If your father was a real happy guy, you can become a real sad person. Aggression is not something that can be passed down, it is classified as an emotion.
    But why do pit bulls or any dog attack in the first place? The Pitbull aggression comes from how the owner treats the dog. If an animal is caged it will eventually attack a human. We see this all the time in zoos. When an animal is released from caged or terrible living environments, it will react the only way it knows how….. Attacking. How the pit bull is raised is also a factor. For most of the pit bull attacks the victims were people who stepped onto the pit bull’s yard or territory. These dogs were raised by a person who raised the dog’s as guard dogs. The person may not have intended for the pit bull to perceive it that way, but remember pit bulls are animals. They do not comprehend things like a human does. So these pit bulls were territorial and saw any stranger as a threat. For the dogs that ran up on people these were dogs that were most likely caged up. It’s the human’s responsibly to make sure the dog doesn’t become overly aggressive.

    The media has also helped in portraying pit bulls as monstrous breeds. I started my article with two stories. I found these stories of a site called In a nutshell this site is 100% against pit bulls. (Link below) But they are also a great resource. This site has every pit-bull attack that has happened since 1990. They get their stories directly off of news websites. What I found funny was that each of the stories headlines in bold letters read Pitbull attacks boy or Pitbull attacks girl. They over emphasize the fact that pit bulls were involved in the attack. Isabelle Dinoire the woman famous for getting a face transplant after her dog mauled her. On every website I saw this story on it read “after her dog attacked her”. They never reveal the breed of the dog. They just say the dog. A little sleuthing and I find out the dog responsible was a Labrador retriever. Yes America’s dog tore a woman’s face off, causing her to get a face transplant. She has since died after taking medications that caused her to get two different types of cancers. All because America’s favorite dog tore her face off. Even more irony, she was the dog’s owner. But where’s the headline Labrador retriever mauls owner face off. We don’t see it. A 7 year old Highland girl was attacked by a dog. The headline says nothing about the dog’s breed. All it says is “dog could be wolf hybrid”. While looking at that story I saw a ink to another story that read “Dog attacked by pit-bull”. Right in the open, no sugar coating it at all.


Tuesday, May 22 and Wednesday, May 23- organizing your projects

Below you will find a recap of the project instructions. Personal Photo Project DUE Thursday, MAY 24 DUE Thursday, MAY 24 ...