Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thursday / Friday March 15/ 16 writing up your interviews

You are writing up your interview stories based upon the interviews you conducted last yesterday. The story-type interview should be  a minimum of 300 words.  Your headline is : Interview with ________________(just put their first name bold and size 24 Times New Roman font.
         You are the reporter; so should put by ____________________ in size 12 font underneath.

Please take a moment to anchor yourself in the story style of interview by quickly reviewing the Elvis Costello or Hitler interview. Note setting (light, body position, facial expressions, clothing, sounds, surrounding area, gestures, jewelry, voice intonation and pauses, emotions...details, details and more details.

Be mindful that these are public, as will be any language convention and spelling errors you make. PROOF READ!

Please see me, if you were not here to conduct your interview.

These should me mailed to me by midnight on Friday  

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Tuesday, May 22 and Wednesday, May 23- organizing your projects

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