When well-used and oft-repeated, a slogan can become part of the fabric of a brand. But how do you build a strong connection between a slogan and a brand? It's not simply a matter of tacking a slogan onto an ad. because a an an with a slogan isn't necessarily more effective than an ad without one. A slogan is merely an end-line or sign-off to an ad is unlikely to make a contribution to the success of either the advertising or the brand; the creative slogan must integrate the brand and slogan in such a way that the slogan can strengthen branding or have some other effect.
Guidelines To Create Great Slogan
- Identification. A good slogan must stay consistent with the brand name either obviously stated or strongly implied. It’s better to include the name of your business to it.
- Memorable. Some of the best taglines or slogans are still being used today, even though they were launched several years ago.
- Beneficial. Reveal your purpose and benefits of the product by conveying the message in consumer language. Turn bad into good. Suggest the risk of not using the product. Create a positive feeling for the consumers.
- Differentiation. In an overcrowded market, companies on the same industry need to set themselves apart thru their creative and original tagline or slogan.
- Keep it simple. Use proven words and short keywords. One word is usually not enough.
Assignment: open a word document and label the brand associated with the slogan. Some you might have to research, but try first. Each is worth 2 points (up to 114). Due by the end of class. (Extensions until midnight for those pre-approved only)
Send along: have fun!
1. Think big
2. Think small
3. Push button publishing
4. Beauty outside. Beast inside
5. American by birth. Rebel by choice
6. Between love and madness lies obsession
7. Don't be evil
8. Outwit Outplay Outlast
9. See what we mean
10. Save money. Live better
11. If you want to impress someone, put them on your Black List
12. We sell more cars than Ford, Chrysler, Chevrolet and Buick combined
13. I am what I am
14. Innovation
15. A mind is a terrible thing to waste
16. The customer is always and completely right.
17. When there is no tomorrow
18. At the heart of the image
19. The greatest tragedy is indifference
20. Live in your world. Play in ours.
21. There is no substitute
22. The happiest place on earth
23. For the men in charge of change
24. Pleasing people the world over'
25. Stronger than dirt
26. Impossible is nothing
27. Pleasure is the path to joy
28. Let your fingers do the walking
29. Solutions for a small planet
30. Because life's complicated enough
31. Share moments. Share life..
32. I'm lovin it
33. When you care to send the very best.
34. A diamond is forever
35. Quality never goes out of style
36. Just do it
37. Connecting people
38. Success. It's a Mind Game.
39. Make believe
40. Expand your mind, change your world!
41. Eat fresh
42. Your vision, Our Future
43. Make the most of now
44. Good to the last drop
45. Does she...or doesn't she?
46. Power, beauty and soul
47. Have it your way.
48. It's everywhere you want to be
49. Twist the cap to refreshment
50. Melts in your mouth, not in your hands
51. Reach out and touch someone.
52. Finger lickin' good.
53. Because you're worth it.
54. Fly the friendly sky.
55. Be stupid.
56. Buy it. Sell it. Love it.
57. Keeps going and going and going.
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